Chaplaincy endorsement opens ministry opportunities outside the church.

Imagine a world without trained men and women who are passionate about taking Christ’s message of love and hope to every nook and cranny of our society.

What would such a world look like? Would there be more crime, despair and unrest? Would people wander aimlessly searching for hope and peace? Would your community be a safe place to live?

Thankfully, we’ll never have to find out because Assemblies of God chaplains are passionate about taking the gospel to some of the most overlooked places in our society such as: hardcore motorcycle rallies, AIDS hospices, nursing homes, truck-stops, battlefields, rodeos and areas devastated by manmade and natural disasters.

Wherever lost and hurting people are, Assemblies of God chaplains can be found sharing the love of Christ. So, why haven’t most people heard much of this select group of ministers?

One reason is that our chaplains like to blend in with those to whom they minister. They aren’t looking for accolades; they’re looking for souls to win for Jesus Christ. Their immersion into the culture where they minister is not for show — it’s really a way of life.

Uniformed police and fire chaplains spend hours at stations or in the field. Motorcycle chaplains can be found among bikers. Military chaplains spend much of their time training or out on the battlefield alongside troops. In each place, they are representatives of God’s love.

Yes, chaplains fill a special need. But they don’t necessarily want to be thanked or put on a pedestal. Instead, they just want others to walk in the freedom that only a close relationship with Christ brings. These determined ministers of the gospel need your help to do what they do best. One of the easiest and most effective ways to help is to pray for them. You can also contribute finances that will help train new chaplains and enable all chaplains to acquire Bibles and Christian materials for distribution.

Now, imagine a world where men and women with a heartfelt burden for the lost are empowered by the twin engines of prayer and financial support. The possibilities are endless. Will you help make this world a reality?

Together we can change our world and the eternal destination of others.

In His Service,
Manuel Cordero,
Senior Director Chaplaincy Ministries